Artificial Intelligence is one of the main hot topics today.

How are our societies going to evolve? Which ethical problems are we going to tackle as humans? Which are the main changes that we are facing in the years to come.

Throughout a series of actions and activities, we are going to try to give an answer to these questions, together WITH the citizens, in order to advance in a co-creation of a better society for all.




Historical Operas form Gran Teatre Liceu Collection

Visualisation of first 20th century scene plays in a virtual recreation of the Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona.

Prototype: Virtual Shelf

We take the paradigm of Google’s Infinite Library and develop a virtual shelf that can be activated with gestures.

Memory Fields: Posters of the Spanish Civil War

«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.

Memory Fields: Sant Cugat Bugs in Macro Photo

«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.

Memory Fields: Historical Photos from Sant Cugat

We will navigate in historical collections with the Memory Field interface: high format images and tactile interaction.

Interactive posters: Science Fiction Authors

To celebrate the Sant Jordi’s day, we propose the new Computer Vision Centre prototype of interactive posters.

Memory Fields: @BrossaInedit VIsual Poetry

The new collection of Joan Brossa will be decided by the library users.