En el Library Living Lab hacemos los siguientes tipos de actividades:
(Haz click en cada caja para acceder a la lista de actividades o ve hasta el final de la página para conocerlas todas)
Nuestras Líneas de Trabajo actuales:
(Haz click AQUÍ para saber más acerca de cómo se han decidido estas líneas y como trabajamos en el Library Living Lab)

Las actividades periódicas tienen lugar cada 15 o 30 días. Puedes unirte a la sesión que más te convenga, y no es necesario haber asistido a la anterior. Sólo acércate y únete!
Workshop on Educational Apps
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
The Library Visits the Museum
Every 2 Thursdays we visit the digital collections of the most wonderful museums.
Foundations of 3D Printing
Every 15 days, we are learning the foundations of 3D printing.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1.
Every 15 days, we are learning the foundations of 3D printing.
Club 3D: Let’s Make a Drone
Every 15 days, we are learning the foundations of 3D printing.
Club 3D: A Catamaran in Family
Every 15 days, we are building a 3D printed Catamaran.
ExperimentAI – El impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en la sociedad
Cada miércoles, IA y Visión por Computador en el Library Living Lab
3D Scanning of the Monastery Capitals
This workshop is aims at scanning the 144 capitals of the Monestery.
3D Scanning Capitals: Scanning at the Cloister
In this session we will go the MONASTERY to take pictures of the Capitals.

Participa en alguno de los talleres abiertos que ofrece el Library Living Lab alrededor de diferentes temas tecnológicos, ciencia y cultura. Muchos de ellos están abiertos a la participación en familia.
Workshop: I Am my Own Drawing
This is a 2 day workshop in which we develop the «Tale time» service of the Public Library, with motion interaction with our own drawn characters.
Musical Language Learning
This activity is a 1 hour workshop focused in technological tools for learning musical language.
Workshop of Fast Memory
Jose Maria Brea, form the Escuela de Memoria will teach us to improve our memory skills.
Create your own 3D Printer
This is a 2 day workshop in which you will learn to print out your own 3D printer.
Katakrak’s Enginys Eco-poètics
New different uses for old know things help us to feed our creativity.
3D Scanning of the Monastery Capitals
This workshop is aims at scanning the 144 capitals of the Monestery.
3D Scanning Capitals: Session 1
In this session we will go for the basics about photogrametry.
3D Scanning Capitals: Scanning at the Cloister
In this session we will go the MONASTERY to take pictures of the Capitals.
3D Scanning Capitals: POST-PHOTO Creating the 3d models
In this session we will go for model creation from the photos.
3D Scanning Capitals: POST-PHOTO Creating the 3d models
In this session we will go for model creation from the photos.

Nuevos prototipos son probados de manera regular en el Library Living Lab. Puedes contribuir con tus aportaciones y unirte al equipo que los está desarrollando en un proyecto colaborativo.
Historical Operas form Gran Teatre Liceu Collection
Visualisation of first 20th century scene plays in a virtual recreation of the Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona.
Prototype: Virtual Shelf
We take the paradigm of Google’s Infinite Library and develop a virtual shelf that can be activated with gestures.
Prototype: Virtual Book
We use this Computer Vision Centre prototype with tablets to link virtual contents to physical documents.
Memory Fields: Posters of the Spanish Civil War
«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.
Visual Interaction
This activity consists of an experiment that explores the use of our eyes as elements of interaction with the digital objects.
Musical Language Learning
This activity is a 1 hour workshop focused in technological tools for learning musical language.
Memory Fields: Sant Cugat Bugs in Macro Photo
«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.
Memory Fields: Historical Photos from Sant Cugat
We will navigate in historical collections with the Memory Field interface: high format images and tactile interaction.
Interactive posters: Science Fiction Authors
To celebrate the Sant Jordi’s day, we propose the new Computer Vision Centre prototype of interactive posters.
Interactive posters: Greek mithology
The prototype of Computer Vision Center interactive posters will help the attendants to the Mithology workshop.
Interactive posters: Catalan Sport People
The CVC Interactive posters will help us celebrate the Day of the Sport in the Volpelleres neighbourhood.
Galician Poetry: Narratives in the Video Wall.
Galician poems to explore the different ways of positioning the visual information in the video wall.
Body interaction for music learning
We collaborate with the Escola de Música de Sant Cugat in a novel prototype for learning music using the body motion.
Memory Fields: @BrossaInedit VIsual Poetry
The new collection of Joan Brossa will be decided by the library users.

Científicos provenientes de universidades y centros de investigación desarrollan su investigación en el Library Living Lab, y necesitan tu participación.
Teaching good taste to computers…
In this experiment we aim at getting a better understanding of brain. Thus we can create software applications that behave similarly to humans.
Memory Fields: Posters of the Spanish Civil War
«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.
Visual Interaction
This activity consists of an experiment that explores the use of our eyes as elements of interaction with the digital objects.
How to improve our memory
This scientific experiment explores the how our eyes move when reading in order to remember numbers.

Puedes participar en los debates abiertos. Unete a nosotros y conoce gente relevante que comparte sus visiones personales y su experiencia profesional sobre aproximaciones de innovación social.
What is a Living Lab? With Artur Serra.
In this Debate Artur Serra will share his views about Living Labs, and what people can learn and how people can take profit from them.
Creativity, Technology and Disability: Pili Egea.
The writer women will explain us how technology helped her with the cerebral palsy she has since her childhood.
ExperimentAI 01: DEBATE: ¿Qué son la Inteligencia Artificial y la visión por computador?
Debatiremos estas cuestiones con los usuarios del Library Living Lab

Todos los eventos del Library Living Lab estan abiertos a participación. No dudes en contactar con nosotros para más información sobre cualquiera de los eventos PRÓXIMOS o PASADOS.
Library Living Lab Official Inauguration
The official inauguration of the Library Living Lab – Barcelona took place on 25th April 2015. Welcome to all the stakeholders!
Workshop: I Am my Own Drawing
This is a 2 day workshop in which we develop the «Tale time» service of the Public Library, with motion interaction with our own drawn characters.
Historical Operas form Gran Teatre Liceu Collection
Visualisation of first 20th century scene plays in a virtual recreation of the Gran Teatre del Liceu de Barcelona.
Prototype: Virtual Shelf
We take the paradigm of Google’s Infinite Library and develop a virtual shelf that can be activated with gestures.
Prototype: Virtual Book
We use this Computer Vision Centre prototype with tablets to link virtual contents to physical documents.
Library Living Lab Start Up of Activities
On October 16th 2015 takes place the Presentation of Activities of the Library Living Lab.
What is a Living Lab? With Artur Serra.
In this Debate Artur Serra will share his views about Living Labs, and what people can learn and how people can take profit from them.
Teaching good taste to computers…
In this experiment we aim at getting a better understanding of brain. Thus we can create software applications that behave similarly to humans.
Workshop on Educational Apps
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 1)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Scientific Dissemination and Sports Performance
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested sport and tech.
Scientific Dissemination and Sports Performance (Session 1)
We start the sessions of Scientific Dissemination and Sports Performance.
The Library Visits the Museum
Every 2 Thursdays we visit the digital collections of the most wonderful museums.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 1)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the Rijskmuseum.
Foundations of 3D Printing
Every 15 days, we are learning the foundations of 3D printing.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 1)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
Memory Fields: Posters of the Spanish Civil War
«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 2)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 2)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the Centro-Centro, Madrid with Kandinsky.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 2)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 3)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Scientific Dissemination and Sports Performance (Session 2)
In this session we will analyse new case studies.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 3)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 3)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the National Gallery, London.
Visual Interaction
This activity consists of an experiment that explores the use of our eyes as elements of interaction with the digital objects.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 4)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 4)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 4)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the Guggenheim NY.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 5)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 5)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
Musical Language Learning
This activity is a 1 hour workshop focused in technological tools for learning musical language.
Memory Fields: Sant Cugat Bugs in Macro Photo
«Memory Fields» is a prototype that helps people to navigate in digital collections using the video DJ paradigm.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 6)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 5)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the Museu Sant Cugat with a Human Avatar.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 7)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 6)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 6)
In this session we will have a new visit the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza
Memory Fields: Historical Photos from Sant Cugat
We will navigate in historical collections with the Memory Field interface: high format images and tactile interaction.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 7)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 8)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
How to improve our memory
This scientific experiment explores the how our eyes move when reading in order to remember numbers.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 8)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 9)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 10)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
Workshop on Educational Apps (Session 11)
This workshop is created around a group of library users interested in Educational Apps.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 7)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the SMK Dinamarca (Denmark Statens Museum for Kunst).
Foundations of 3D Printing (Session 9)
A new session for understanding and practicing the basics of 3D printing.
Workshop of Fast Memory
Jose Maria Brea, form the Escuela de Memoria will teach us to improve our memory skills.
Create your own 3D Printer
This is a 2 day workshop in which you will learn to print out your own 3D printer.
Creativity, Technology and Disability: Pili Egea.
The writer women will explain us how technology helped her with the cerebral palsy she has since her childhood.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 8)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the #MuseumWeek on Twitter.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1.
Every 15 days, we are learning the foundations of 3D printing.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1 (Session 1)
Club 3D: Let’s Make a Drone
Every 15 days, we are learning the foundations of 3D printing.
Club 3D: Let’s Make a Drone (Session 1)
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 9)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of Nam June Paik – Video art, SAAM, Washington.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1 (Session 2)
We start today with he Formula 1. We will identify the materials and we will learn how to set up printer. Hands on!
Club 3D: Let’s Make a Drone (Session 2)
Each 15 days, we create a remote controlled DRONE in 3D. Hands on!
Interactive posters: Science Fiction Authors
To celebrate the Sant Jordi’s day, we propose the new Computer Vision Centre prototype of interactive posters.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 10)
In this session we will visit the HD collections of the MNAC, Catalunya.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 11)
Dia Internacional dels Museus, xarxa ICOM.
The Library Visits the Museum (Session 12)
We visit the National Portrait Gallery, London
The Library Visits the Museum (Sessió 13)
We study Pieter Brueghel el Vell. Casals artístics infantils.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1 (Session 3)
We start today with he Formula 1. We will identify the materials and we will learn how to set up printer. Hands on!
Club 3D: Let’s Make a Drone (Session 3)
Each 15 days, we create a remote controlled DRONE in 3D. Hands on!
Interactive posters: Greek mithology
The prototype of Computer Vision Center interactive posters will help the attendants to the Mithology workshop.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1 (Session 4)
We start today with he Formula 1. We will identify the materials and we will learn how to set up printer. Hands on!
Interactive posters: Catalan Sport People
The CVC Interactive posters will help us celebrate the Day of the Sport in the Volpelleres neighbourhood.
Galician Poetry: Narratives in the Video Wall.
Galician poems to explore the different ways of positioning the visual information in the video wall.
Katakrak’s Enginys Eco-poètics
New different uses for old know things help us to feed our creativity.
Club 3D: Let’s create a remote controlled F1 (Session 5)
We start today with he Formula 1. We will identify the materials and we will learn how to set up printer. Hands on!
Body interaction for music learning
We collaborate with the Escola de Música de Sant Cugat in a novel prototype for learning music using the body motion.
Memory Fields: @BrossaInedit VIsual Poetry
The new collection of Joan Brossa will be decided by the library users.
Club 3D: A Catamaran in Family
Every 15 days, we are building a 3D printed Catamaran.
Library Living Lab at Smart City Expo’16
The Library Living Lab present at the Smart City Expo 2016.
Project sponsored by:
ExperimentAI – El impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en la sociedad
Cada miércoles, IA y Visión por Computador en el Library Living Lab
ExperimentAI 01: DEBATE: ¿Qué son la Inteligencia Artificial y la visión por computador?
Debatiremos estas cuestiones con los usuarios del Library Living Lab
ExperimentAI 02: construyendo el Facebook de nuestros antepasados
Cómo usar los datos del pasado para enriquecer el futuro
ExperimentAI 03: Ensenyant als ordinadors a llegir manuscrits i música
Cómo aprenden las máquinas a realizar tareas complejas
ExperimentAI 04: Cómo la Inteligencia Artificial predice el futuro
Taller para niños de 8 a 12 años
ExperimentAI 05: CARLA: la matrix que entrena a los coches autónomos
Exploraremos cómo se entrena a los coches autónomos a conducir
ExperimentAI 06: Contando personas
Cómo la Visión Artificial cuenta grandes aglomeracions
ExperimentAI 07: Compite contra el coche autónomo
Competiremos contra el vehículo autónomo dentro de un simulador
ExperimentAI 08: Patrones biométricos: cómo saber la edad y el género con la IA
Con una demostración práctica de esta tecnología
ExperimentAI 09: El GPS del pulmón: imagen médica y salud conectada
Cómo la imagen médica ayuda a detectar el cáncer de pulmón
ExperimentAI 10: Escaneamos los capiteles del Monasterio de Sant Cugat
Valorizar nuestro patrimonio cultural
ExperimentAI 11: Detectando nuestra personalidad
Entenderemos cómo la Visión Artificial puede predecir nuestro carácter
Experimentai 12: Cómo detectamos el cáncer de colon con imagen médica
Técnicas de asistencia a la diagnosis
ExperimentAI 13: Percepción Visual: los juegos visuales del ojo con el cerebro
Los trucos del cerebro para entender el entorno
ExperimentAI 14: Un videojuego para aprender estrategia y matemáticas
Un videojuego para aprender matemáticas
ExperimentAI 15: Movilidad autónoma: coches y drones
Sesión para profesores y educadores
3D Scanning of the Monastery Capitals
This workshop is aims at scanning the 144 capitals of the Monestery.
3D Scanning Capitals: Session 1
In this session we will go for the basics about photogrametry.
3D Scanning Capitals: Scanning at the Cloister
In this session we will go the MONASTERY to take pictures of the Capitals.
3D Scanning Capitals: POST-PHOTO Creating the 3d models
In this session we will go for model creation from the photos.
3D Scanning Capitals: POST-PHOTO Creating the 3d models
In this session we will go for model creation from the photos.
3D Scanning Capitals: POST-PHOTO Creating the 3d models
In this session we will go for model creation from the photos.